
Friday, 1 May 2015


Exploitation is main part of the whole process. Here is where you need to use everything you have learned during the information gathering stage. Our main goal is to exploit a system within our network and deliver a payload. So let's look at the commands we will be using.

'Use' command is used to equip an exploit. You can imagine it as picking up a different kind of weapon before getting ready for battle.
PHP Code:
use (exploit name) 

In the example above, exploit name is needed. So how do you know exploit name? You get it during the information gathering stage. To view all exploits available, type "Show Exploits"
PHP Code:
Show Exploits 

After setting the exploit itself, you need to see which options it uses. They have to be set manually. Some of them though do not need to be set. You can check if it is required by looking under "Required" option.
PHP Code:
Show Options 

Most exploits will require RHost and RPort. Browser based ones will Require SRVHost And SRVPort.

RHost is remote host. It is our target, IP address of the system that we are attempting to exploit. RPort is set by default and should not be changed. I will tell more about SRVHost And SRVPort when I talk about browser based exploits.

We need to set a payload that will be delivered. We do that by typing:
PHP Code:
Set Payload (Payload name) 

Payloads need LPort (Local Port) and LHost (Local Host).
LPort has to be forwarded to the attacker system if you want this to work on WAN.

All payloads can be viewed by typing:
PHP Code:
Show Payloads 

Types of Payloads:

  • There are two types of Payloads. Reverse and Bind ones. Reverse payloads are left on the attacker machine and they connect back to you, and thus connection is reverse. On the attacker machine, there exists a listener, which accepts all incoming connections. That's how you get your session. Reverse payloads are generally more used then bind ones. Payloads can be made persistent by dumping them into registry. For future sessions to be established, you will need to start the listener manually.
  • Bind payloads bind to the victim machine and through them attacker enters. Connection is not reverse but direct.

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