THC-Hydra Windows Install Guide Using Cygwin - HACKING LIKE A PRO


Monday, 29 December 2014

THC-Hydra Windows Install Guide Using Cygwin

THC-Hydra Windows Install Guide

Ok So I had a difficult time as a beginner installing hydra so I'll be helping you today installing THC-Hydra in this Tutorial.

Step 1: Download the Cygwin that corresponds to your system.

Note: you can find out if your system is either 64 or 32 bit by right clicking "Computer" in the start menu.

Step 2: Install Cygwin by clicking on your what you've downloaded from the Cygwin website. Press next on everything until when asked for what server to download from, click on anyone (I don't think it matters which one you choose). Stop again when you need to select packages and move to step 3.

Step 3: Press the + button besides the "Default" package (only package that should be there) and a list of packages should show up; find the package "devel" under the "Default" package and change where it says "default" besides each package's name to "Install" only to the devel package by clicking on where it says "default" besides devel.

Note: The "default" package I talk about sitting at the top is not the same as the "default" installation besides each package.

Step 4: Click next, select the required packages option, go on and finish your download

Step 5: Not really a step but you should have a Cygwin terminal on your desktop and if not go to the install destination (usually "C:\Cygwin" or "C:\Program Files\Cygwin") and right click the batch file labeled Cygwin and press "Create Shortcut" and move the shortcut into wherever you find the most convenient to have it at.

Note: You will be using the Cygwin terminal every time you want to use hydra.

1. Go into the folder where Cygwin was installed
2. Go into the folder inside the Cygwin installation folder named "bin"
3. Right Click on a file in "bin", Go to properties and copy the location (Ex. C:\Program Files\Cygwin\bin) which is essentially the location of the bin folder.
4. Go to "Control Panel\System and Security\System"
5. Click Advanced System Setting located to your left
6. Sitting at the bottom right of the screen that just popped up press the Environment Variables button
7. On the second box of text titled System Variables scroll down until you find the variable "Path"
8. Click the variable "Path" and click the edit button
9. Don't mess with anything in the text box just type this besides all the already written shit in the text box ";[Bin location Here]"
10. Press Ok

Now that we have finished installing Cygwin we can get to the fun part and install Hydra

Step 1: Download Hydra from either directly

Step 2: Unzip the file using a program such as Winrar (can be downloaded at to your desktop.

Step 3: Move the file from your desktop into your main drive "C:"

Step 4: Open the Cygwin terminal which if you listened to me you made a shortcut to already.

Error Note: If it says "cannot find mintty would you like to browse for it" then browse to your installation folder, go to bin and look alphabetically for mintty until you find it.

Step 5: search for cmd at the start menu (if you can't it's placed in "C:\Windows\System32\cmd") when you do find it right click it and click "run as administrator"

Step 6: type "NetSh Advfirewall set allprofiles state off" to turn off your firewall off. manually turn off your other antiviruses such as Norton or McAfee

Note: I understand this might sound crazy but when you're installing a hacking software you don't anti-hack softwares running.

Now you can test Cygwin out by issuing a few commands that you wouldn’t normally have use to in Windows that are common Linux commands. Here is a quick view of: "pwd", "cd /", "ls", "ps":

Step 7: on Cygwin terminal type 
"cd /cygdrive/c/hydra-8.1.tar"

Once this is successful there should be yellow text besides your user name saying "/cygdrive/c/hydra-8.1.tar"

Step 8: Type "./configure"
wait until it stops saying anything and then wait 2/3 minutes to make sure it stopped.

step 9: Type "make"
wait until it stops saying anything and then wait 2/3 minutes to make sure it stopped.

Step 10: Type "make install"
wait until it stops saying anything and then wait 2/3 minutes to make sure it stopped.

Step 11: I hope by now everything has gone fine and Cygwin should be letting you input but just close it if you're done.

Step 12: Now right click your Cygwin shortcut, go into properties and make the start in "C:\hydra-8.1.tar" and rename it hydra

Step 13: Turn your firewall back on by typing this in the admin cmd "NetSh Advfirewall set allrprofiles state on" but make sure that it doesnt intervene with hydra, google how to exclude programs from firewall and if you have a antivirus same goes.



    everything is fine till step#8, but after when I type "make" then it prompts "-bash: make: command not found"
    kindly help me to fix this problem.
    thanks in advance

    1. Hi! I encountered the same problem, and have found a solution. Run the setup executable for cygwin again, no need to uninstall. In the package selection folder, search "Devel". Click on the word that says "Default" so that it says "Install". Continue the installation as normal. Wait, maybe play a game while it installs. Once its done open cygwin and type "g++ -v" without the quotation marks to see if it installed correctly. If so, it will give you version information and such. Glad to help, hope this works :)

    2. Tried that also still doesn't work for me

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Install make.

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  2. I don't have the variables for c/cygwin64? How do I get it to show up on system settings

  3. I don't have the variables for c/cygwin64? How do I get it to show up on system settings

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. its saying that no such file or directory found when i type the "cd etc etc"

  6. -bash: cd: /cygdrive/c/hydra-8.1.tar: No such file or directory

    1. Same with me..
      Plz help ..reply soon..

    2. It may be name diffrently eg mine was cd /cygdrive/c/thc-hydra-master

    3. after c/ type the name of the hydra file you downloaded hopes this helps

    4. On top of being another name such as thc- hydra-master, do note the space in between cd and /, I committed that mistake of omitting the space as cs/, the correct one should have space cd /
      it can be 8.1 can be thc , can be other names, depends on the name of the hydra file being installed

  7. dont write cd /cygdrive/c/hydra-8.1.tar but write without ".tar" on the end of comand only cd /cygdrive/c/hydra-8.1

  8. You need to install Bash when installing Cygwin, and a few other devels for it to all work right.

  9. During installation typing make it says 'bash:no command found.....pls help me

    Read more:

  10. During installation typing make it says 'bash:no command found.....pls help me

  11. where did the Skywalker name came from.
    plz tell...

  12. What Cygwin shortcut the terminal or is there one created by the install?

  13. you must install the debel package to avoid that error

  14. i typed in hydra in the start in box and get error file dont exists.what am i doing wrong?all steps done except the last one

  15. I installed it but it doesnt work , I mean i tryed it with my gmail accound and it didnt work , says passlist.txt not found .Where should I put my worldlist???

  16. which: no windres in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/cygdrive/c/Windows/system32:/cygdrive/c/Windows:/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/Wbem:/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Skype/Phone:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Common Files/lenovo/easyplussdk/bin)
    Windres NOT found, you will not have pretty icon files in the hydra cygwin executables" how to fix this error

  17. We interviewed the developer of THC Hydra - thought you'd be interested to read their comments:

  18. cannot configure using . /configure command
    cannot configure using . /configure command

  19. please help in
    $ make
    -bash: make: command not found

    1. actually you have to install make while you install cygwin
      Try reinstalling it

    2. Suman, i didn't understand how to install make while i install cygwin. i've just reinstalled this shit twice following every single step...
      just don't know what to do now kkk help!!

  20. HI, I have Installed it and followed steps til step 6, In step 7 i am getting an error
    -bash: cd /cygdrive/c/hydra-8.1.tar: No such file or directory

    Please Advise

  21. Check if you have a different version like 7.5 or 8.3 and don't put tar at the end :]

  22. cd /cygdrive/c/hydra-8.1.tar

    this is not working for me $ "cd /cygdrive/c/hydra-8.1.tar"
    -bash: cd /cygdrive/c/hydra-8.1.tar: No such file or directory

  23. please i need urgent site for this this site is dead.. please urgent need help from anyone please i really need yours help

  24. please i need urgent site for this this site is dead.. please urgent need help from anyone please i really need yours help.

    my contact/

  25. please i need urgent site for this this site is dead.. please urgent need help from anyone please i really need your help
    My contact

  26. Thc-Hydra Windows Install Guide Using Cygwin - Hacking Like A Pro >>>>> Download Now

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    Thc-Hydra Windows Install Guide Using Cygwin - Hacking Like A Pro >>>>> Download Full

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